Virgo in Scorpio 2018

November 9, 2017by Stella Mars0

It’s gonna be all Scorpio, all the time, starting October 10, when the celestial highlight of the decade comes beaming your way! Auspicious Jupiter launches into Scorpio for the next 13 months, rocketing you into orbit. After a sleepy year-plus in gentle Libra and your introspective twelfth house, the larger-than-life planet returns to your sign for the first time since November 2006. Starting this week, you are officially on notice that dreams can no longer be deferred—and anything and everything you’ve been hoping to accomplish in your life is now on the table. Personal growth? Bucket-list travel experiences? Fame and fortune? Bring it! This rare transit is not something you want to ignore.

Between now and November 8, 2018, you are invited—make that required—to shake up your life, shuck off any limitations or self-doubt and start taking steps toward becoming the person you want to be. Bear in mind that Jupiter offers the possibility and holds the door open, but you’ve got to do the heavy lifting, Scorpio—and also take the gamble to walk through that portal when the gifts arrive instead of suspiciously deliberating. While Jupiter transits certainly bring chances and connections and inspiration, you need to face your fears, take some risks and put yourself out there. Artists, musicians and performers should literally take the stage and show the world your stuff. Writers, scribe away!

No matter what your art, craft or superpower, this is the year to own it and pursue your bliss. No more shape-shifting or making too many sacrifices for other people. Put yourself first and give your passions top billing. Jupiter’s energy is generous, though, so even as you’re advancing your own mission, you’ll realize it’s not a zero sum game and that the more you help and give to others—not out of a sense of obligation but love—the more you gain in return.

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